As reported by the VFF
The Victorian Government is currently reviewing and proposing changes to the existing biosecurity legislation and regulations.
The primary aim of these amendments is to enhance and streamline biosecurity management, ensuring swift and effective responses to the detection of animal diseases, as well as plant pests or diseases within Victoria.
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is playing an active role in this process, engaging in confidential consultations with the government to offer feedback on the proposed changes.
Representing the interests of Victorian farmers, the VFF emphasises the crucial role the agricultural community holds in safeguarding against ongoing biosecurity threats.
The federation consistently advocates for the prompt establishment of funding mechanisms for preparedness, frameworks for cost recovery, and compensation structures. These measures are designed to offset potential financial setbacks farmers might face in the event of a biosecurity breach.
It is anticipated that an exposure draft of the Bill will be made public by the government towards the end of 2023. The VFF remains dedicated to updating its members on the progress of these consultations, while honouring existing confidentiality agreements.
Furthermore, the VFF Commodity Policy Councils and the VFF Farming Systems Committee are ensuring that the voices of VFF members are directly represented in these discussions.
As reported by the VFF
The present biosecurity laws and regulations are being reviewed and changed by the Victorian government.
These revisions are primarily intended to improve and simplify Victoria’s biosecurity management, providing prompt and efficient responses to the discovery of animal illnesses as well as plant pests or diseases.
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is actively participating in this process by holding private discussions with the administration to provide input on the suggested modifications.
The VFF, which speaks for Victorian farmers, highlights the vital role that the agriculture sector plays in defending against persistent biosecurity concerns.
The federation persistently urges the speedy creation of financing sources for readiness, cost-recovery plans, and compensation schemes. In the case of a biosecurity breach, these procedures are intended to mitigate any possible financial hardships farmers may experience.
The government is projected to release an exposure draught of the Bill by the end of 2023. While upholding current confidentiality agreements, the VFF is nonetheless committed to keeping its members informed about the status of these discussions.
Additionally, the VFF Farming Systems Committee and Commodity Policy Councils are making sure that the opinions of VFF members are directly reflected in these talks.