On 29 September, the National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) published the results of the 2022–2023 Saleyard Survey. The annual survey, which is voluntarily reported, aims to provide the livestock industry with comprehensive data on saleyard throughput across all Australian states, excluding the Northern Territory.
Purpose and Impact
The survey’s data serves multiple purposes, including guiding investment decisions and strategic planning for saleyards. Additionally, it highlights the social, economic, and cultural contributions that saleyards make to rural and regional communities.
Key Findings
In the financial year 2023, approximately 16.4 million transactions were recorded across sheep and cattle saleyards, marking a slight decrease from 16.8 million transactions in the previous year.
Notably, only New South Wales (NSW) sheep, NSW cattle, and Queensland sheep transactions saw an increase in throughput volumes at the state and species level. All other states and species experienced a decline compared to the last financial year.
Market Dynamics
The survey indicates that the cyclical nature of herd and flock rebuilding, coupled with fluctuating market conditions, has led to adjustments in livestock supply through saleyards. Producers are opting for different sales channels to market their stock, which has contributed to the changes in transaction volumes.