Meat & Livestock News

Lamb Market’s December 2023 Review: Prices Show Consistent Growth

Overview of Lamb Prices

The lamb market in Great Britain experienced a notable upward trend in prices during December 2023. The GB NSL liveweight SQQ (Standard Quality Quotation) began the month at 260.1p/kg and progressively increased, culminating at 287.9p/kg by the end of the month.

Deadweight Price Movements

In terms of deadweight prices, the GB NSL deadweight SQQ for lamb averaged 587.1p/kg for December. The month started with prices at 585.8p/kg, followed by a minor decrease mid-month, dropping by 1.5p. However, the prices recovered towards the month’s end, reaching 598.4p/kg.

Cull Ewe Price Trends

Cull ewe prices also showed an upward trajectory throughout December, with an average price of £84.32 per head.