TLDR: A promising Australian fertiliser boosts crop yields and cattle weight gains while reducing parasites and costs. The mineral-rich blend, verified by CSIRO, improves soil health and sequesters carbon. Jennings wants to introduce it in New Zealand.
Former ACT MP and Federated Farmers president Owen Jennings has found a new fertilising method in Australia that yields “outstanding results”.
“This is the most spectacular and promising option I have encountered,” he says.
The numbers were so impressive Jennings doubted them at first. However they were independently verified by CSIRO in Australia.
Impressive Results
Cattle on this fertilised pasture are now achieving 2.95kg daily weight gains, up from 1.2kg previously. Parasite loading was also substantially reduced.
Wheat yields increased dramatically too. The new fertiliser produced 5228 kg per hectare, compared to 3200 kg in a control area and 4132kg using a standard NPKS mix.
This was achieved at a lower cost than typical fertiliser mixes. It also included a massive drop in striped rust.
Feeding the Soil
The new method involves a blend of up to 90 ground down minerals, applied to compost and spread at low rates once a year.
The thinking is based on feeding the soil biota rather than the plant. The scientist behind the product says feeding the soil adequately in a balanced manner means plants will be healthy and optimise yields.
Carbon Sequestration
One of the big advantages for Jennings is how the fertiliser sequesters significant amounts of carbon in the soil.
On a Queensland vegetable growing property, organic matter in the soil increased from 0.58% to 2.61% after 2 years of farming. This equates to 90 metric tonnes of carbon per hectare or 330 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare.
Soil health is radically improved and plant life is improved. Animals and humans using grass and crops all benefit.
Impressive Yield Increases
Other examples show impressive yield increases:
- Tomato crop improved from 130 to 290 tonnes per hectare
- Sugar cane from 130 to 290 tonnes
- Onions from 30 to 75 tonnes
- Ginger from 22 to 57 tonnes
“These results are unbelievable without the CSIRO verification,” Jennings says.
He is very keen to get this fertiliser system into New Zealand.