Meat processors continually seek methods to enhance the value of their products. One such method is the injection of brines and cures. This technique not only revitalises lesser cuts of meat but also significantly boosts the bottom line for processors.
Unlike batch processes, injection operates inline, representing the most contemporary and efficient method of value addition. It ensures the even distribution of brine and cure throughout the muscle.
Scott Steinman, an application specialist with Reiser, Canton, Mass., notes that injection is quicker than batch processes. It offers a broader range of injection levels and ensures consistent product yields and even distribution of brines and cures.
This method enhances the value of lesser cuts of meat and poultry, providing consumers with appealing flavours and textures. David Hayden, from JBT Corp., Chicago, mentions that injection enhances tenderness and juiciness for fresh meats. For cured meats, it ensures even distribution of curing solutions.
Furthermore, Jacob Yates, with Precipak USA, highlights that injection offers a quality value addition to both bone-in and boneless products using the same machinery. This versatility saves both time and money for processors.
Tom Bako, from BAK Food Equipment, adds that injection allows swift changes over brine mixtures and can process various types of meat, poultry, or seafood, irrespective of the presence of bones.
However, for injection equipment suppliers, processors’ primary concerns revolve around consistency and return on investment (ROI). Proper preparation of brine, temperature control, and efficient filtration are crucial to prevent system clogs and maintain pump pressure.
Additionally, sanitation and safety remain paramount. Processors need assurance of the safety of their products and employees. Dale Hunt, from JBT, emphasises the importance of sanitary and safe design in equipment.
In the realm of supplier messaging, the focus is on educating processors about the benefits of injection in increasing yields and profitability.
Steinman and Sbraga stress the importance of maximising yields and reducing waste to enhance profits. Yates, from Precipak, underscores the flexibility and improved product quality that injection offers.
Lastly, the trend towards automation in the meat processing industry is evident. Both large and small processors recognise the growing need for automation, especially in the injection segment. Automation promises consistency, improved worker safety, and the ability to meet increasing consumer demands.
As technology advances, the industry anticipates greater demand for cloud computing, real-time data accessibility, and enhanced downtime prevention.